DO NOT directly scroll down to the bottom of topics and wait for the timing to stop.
THIS IS NOT THE PROPER WAY to study this course.
ALL TOPICS in lessons 4, 5 and 6 ARE VERY IMPORTANT
Be aware that THE DMV is monitoring and supervising your performance.
Remember every move you do with your mouse is recorded on a video screen.
Do not guess your quiz answers. Passing a quiz the first time shows how well you read your topics.
THE DMV IS KEEPING THOSE RECORDS and videos of your performance FOR 3 YEARS
This is not just passing an exam it is about KNOWLEDGE, Reading the answer in a topic is not cheating it is part of the learning process but guessing the quizzes only cheats yourself. Your brain will be confused remembering the right thing to do.
Thank you for your understanding.]
This lesson contains 6 topics (see the list below) Before starting the engine / Checklist /know your car features.