By definition:
Road rage is considered to be a willful and unrestrained disregard for the safety of other drivers.
Examples of aggressive driving, are speeding and/or tailgating even in heavy traffic conditions. Aggressive driving is usually caused by drivers being impatient.
I fear them more than aggressive drivers because their reaction is unpredictable.
Accidents never just happen. They are caused.
Plan your trip and destination, especially before traveling on freeways where you will not have the opportunity to stop. Decide in advance, and write it down as a list of directions before leaving. Prepare your trip on Google Maps rather than using your GPS while driving, and get ready to exit way in advance.
If you miss an exit (that may also be caused by distraction), then go to the next exit even if it is 5 miles away, interrupting freeway traffic is not worth the risk.
The driver suddenly realize that was the exit …
This driver hesitates and stops in the middle of the freeway lane then cross the lanes sideways ignoring vehicles comiing behind, and showing a complete disregard for the markings and the consequences.
The Nevada State Police defines an Aggressive Driver as one who operates a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of other users of the streets and highways.
Aggressive driving behavior is dangerous, in particular, excessive speed and reckless driving. It may be contagious, as people may retaliate by doing the same thing to the perpetrator and become as guilty as the perpetrator. This behavior can quickly escalate to a “road rage” level.
Slow drivers may also irritate other drivers, who may then react recklessly.
You must go with the flow of traffic with a maximum of 5 mph below average.
A new Nevada law says that if you are driving under the speed limit on the left lane of a freeway you will get a ticket for obstruction to traffic.
Take some additional lessons with a professional to boost your self-confidence. (And may also take your dog with you to boost his confidence.? (LOL) Too bad they are not allowed…
The aggressive behavior list includes:
Road rage is using the vehicle as a weapon or physically assaulting a driver or their vehicle, and is NOT aggressive driving. These are criminal offenses (road rage), and there are laws in place to deal with these violent crimes.
They are extreme acts of physical assault that result from disagreements between drivers and are a form of aggression.
5 Ways to Avoid Road Ragers
If you encounter an aggressive driver…
The Nevada State Police recommends these basic tips for dealing with an aggressive driver:
NEVER RETALIATE. “Road rage” is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you are going to get! but the outcome is never good, nobody wins..
Research finds that aggressive driving is a factor in up to 56 percent of deadly vehicle crashes. Motorists are concerned with others’ aggressive driving while many are guilty themselves.
End of Lesson 6- “Sharing the Road”
End of Topic 6 c “Aggessive Driving”
Next: Quiz 6